Farewell for now, Superstars 2020. See y’all in 2021!
I slept 14 hours last night. It was not the sushi coma from the mountain of sushi I ate first-thing after I got home, it was the Superstars coma from the firehose of information I ingested. This year, I went to Superstars thinking I needed a break from it because Kristine Kathryn Rusch broke my brain during one of her infamous craft workshops the week before, and I had a crap-load of work to do. (Happily, mind you, because her workshop was insanely insightful, and I am anxious to do the work. But there is still work to do. And if there’s one thing I’ve never been afraid of, it’s…
Making space for the underdog, at SpikeCon 2019
I was incredibly honored and fortunate to speak on 4 panels at SpikeCon (which was also Westercon 72 and NASFiC 13) this past week: “Gay Wizards and Lesbian Sorceresses,” with co-panelists Erin Ruston, Baen author D.J. Butler (author of the Witchy Eye series), and Adam McLain, moderated by B. Daniel Blatt “Editing vs. Beta Reading,” with co-panelists best-selling author Dan Wells (author of the John Cleaver series, which started with I Am Not A Serial Killer), TOR senior acquisition editor Susan Chang, and Melissa Meibos, moderated by Joe Monson “Privilege and Passing in Genre Fiction,” with co-panelists YA author Aften Brook Szymanski (author of Con Code, among others), B. Daniel…
And That … Was That
A couple of my Salt City Scribes once asked me, “Hey, you have a lot to say during our group meetings. Why don’t you ever speak at these writing events you’re always telling us about?” I told them, “Because I’m not credentialed enough.” They asked, “Does it matter?”
Scholarship applications are now open for Superstars Writing Seminars 2018!
I have raved about the Superstars Writing Seminars before, which I attended for the first time in February. Created by Kevin J. Anderson in 2010 , it’s a “business of writing” type of seminar that focuses more heavily on how to turn pro than on craft (although there’s some craft type of stuff, too, including a whole Craft Day). If you are serious about a writing career, I highly, highly recommend attending this seminar.
On LTUE — the SFF symposium, that is
I attended LTUE for the first time this year, and it was a blast! The science fiction and fantasy conference bills itself as a symposium “centered around writing, art, literature, film, gaming and other facets of speculative fiction”, and boy did it deliver. As with any conference that I attend, I preview the schedule ahead of time to see what sessions, panels, and activities I want to earmark and make sure I attend. For LTUE, I had a devil of a time planning because there were 9 session tracks, plus various small group activities like critiques and kaffeeklatches happening elsewhere. Multiple times, I found myself highlighting several sessions within the same…