
The COVID-19 pandemic has cancelled or moved a lot of events to virtual—changes I fully support and don’t mind, for the safety of all. Something else that changed for me, personally, was heading back into the corporate world and picking up a day job, which meant I couldn’t attend as many in-person events either. So the virtual and hybrid events have become even more important to me than ever.

I am planning on attending these upcoming events. If you find yourself at the same event, you’re more than welcome to contact me to exchange notes and thoughts.

WMG Publishing’s SF/Mystery Craft Workshop
Instructor: Kristine Kathryn Rusch
January 15-18, 2024
Online only

LTUE (Life, the Universe, and Everything) Symposium
February 15-17, 2024

2024 dates TBD
Online only
(I’ll be online in the conference Discord during the event.)