Superstars Writing Seminar cover image
The Business End of a Pen

Scholarship applications are now open for Superstars Writing Seminars 2018!

I have raved about the Superstars Writing Seminars before, which I attended for the first time in February. Created by Kevin J. Anderson in 2010 , it’s a “business of writing” type of seminar that focuses more heavily on how to turn pro than on craft (although there’s some craft type of stuff, too, including a whole Craft Day).

If you are serious about a writing career, I highly, highly recommend attending this seminar. Our local League of Utah Writers events are absolutely wonderful (many LUW members from other chapters are also SSWS alum), and I will continue attending and supporting them because I love our local writing community. But on a national level and for professional “here’s how you succeed as a writer” type of guidance and networking, I’ve found that so far, SSWS can’t be beat.

The attendance cost can be pretty pricey, which is why the group rallies every year to raise money for scholarships, awarded to writers with financial need. We raise the money through sales of a special anthology that gets put together by alumni and published by Wordfire Press every year.
(One of my short stories was accepted for publication in next year’s anthology, “UNDERCURRENTS: An Anthology of What Lies Beneath”. Woo hoo! I’ll post further details when I have something more concrete to share.)

If you’re interested in applying, please please please get your portfolio put together and get your scholarship application submitted (download an application here). I’d love to see you at SSWS 2018!

C.H. Hung grew up among the musty book stacks of public libraries, where she found a lifelong love for good stories and lost 20/20 vision for good. Her stories have appeared in Analog SF&F, Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, and khōréō magazines, as well as anthologies edited by Kevin J. Anderson and Kristine Kathryn Rusch, among others. She was a third-place winner of the Baen Fantasy Adventure Award in 2023.