Making space for the underdog, at SpikeCon 2019
I was incredibly honored and fortunate to speak on 4 panels at SpikeCon (which was also Westercon 72 and NASFiC 13) this past week: “Gay Wizards and Lesbian Sorceresses,” with co-panelists Erin Ruston, Baen author D.J. Butler (author of the Witchy Eye series), and Adam McLain, moderated by B. Daniel Blatt “Editing vs. Beta Reading,” with co-panelists best-selling author Dan Wells (author of the John Cleaver series, which started with I Am Not A Serial Killer), TOR senior acquisition editor Susan Chang, and Melissa Meibos, moderated by Joe Monson “Privilege and Passing in Genre Fiction,” with co-panelists YA author Aften Brook Szymanski (author of Con Code, among others), B. Daniel…